1 Ferry StreetEasthampton, MA 01027
A recap of some of the big infrastructure work done over the course of the project.
May 2020 sees the project on track for Building 3 completion scheduled for July 2020
March 2020 sees the project on track for Building 3 completion scheduled for July 2020
We took a quick timeout and shot some team portraits
The New Year sees new window installation, exterior work and more interior buildout on Building 3
August 2019 saw work begin in earnest. The first task was to remove and save the famous Ferry St. Cupola.
The work on Building 3 continues in November 2019 as the weather cooperates.
The real work on Building 3 begins in October 2019 saw work begin in earnest. Dividing the space, cement, new stairs & prepping for the windows.